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Become a Member

Membership of the Amberley Society is open to all local residents and others with a local connection or interest.  New members are always welcome. 

With around 200 members the Society is well supported demonstrating the interest to learn, understand, appreciate, care and protect all that makes the village and its surroundings so special. The strength of our membership is also important for us to truly represent our local community.  Voluntary efforts enable us to provide membership rates that represent good value.

Membership offers invitations to regular events including talks and exhibitions, an opportunity to join campaign groups and become involved in local initiatives to protect Amberley and its surroundings.


Membership Fees

Annual membership individual  £4

Annual membership family        £6

6 years membership individual £20

6 years membership family       £30

Life membership individual       £50

Life membership family             £80


Become involved in local initiatives to improve and enhance the environment and amenities of Amberley and its surroundings. Download the application form in the next box.


Please join in, help where you can, and come along next time to see how you might contribute and have some fun along the way. We have opportunities! 



Complete to submit application

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