Millennium Green - Nature
In 2023 over 120 species of plants and trees were identified by the Sussex Botanical Recording Society and AMG trustees.
Our dead hedges and habitat piles provide a home for wildlife and we leave areas untouched to give the best habitat for overwintering species. Nettles and brambles are kept away from public areas, benches and paths, but are encouraged to proliferate in the woodland and scrubby places to increase biodiversity.
We have three rare Black Poplars and have added more berry-producing trees to give our birds food throughout the year funded by the Queen’s Green Canopy in 2022.
The trustees are working with the Climate Action Group in Amberley and the Weald to Wave initiative to be part of the 100-mile nature recovery corridor in Sussex. We are also supported by South Downs National Park and Wilder Horsham.
Dead hedge near Ruff's path - Judy Agate Brimstone butterfly - Ruth Stevens