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Amberley Society Page

This section contains information specifically related to the draft Amberley Society response to the SDNP Land Availability Assessment which is currently under  review. Click on each item's highlighted text to view the linked document - 

- The draft Amberley Society Response to the SDNP LAA​​​

- The pages of the SDNP LAA which reference the Amberley allocation


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1. Chairman’s report

2. Accounts and Membership

3. New Constitution- A copy of this is attached together with a note on the new constitution.

4. Election of Trustees- Jeremy Crump and Di Hamilton have resigned as Committee members. In line with the new constitution the following Committee members will be standing for election as Trustees of the Society: Catherine Cunningham, Jeff Feakins, Ian Galbraith, Grahame Joseph, Pam Keeble, Tim Simpson, Joe Thompson, Mike Toynbee

5. Election of Chair / Co-Chairs- Grahame Joseph will be standing down after 17 years as Chairman. Jeff Feakins and Ian Galbraith are standing for election as Co-Chairs of the Society

6. Amberley Society website

7. Amberley Society Archive

8. Village matters

9. Any other business

TALKThe formal part of the meeting will be followed by a talk by Jim Glover on'The Most Important Wildlife Site in Sussex? – The Amberley Wildbrooks.Jim is an ecologist who spent many years with the RSPB managing and creating nature reserves in the south-east of England --

Amberley Society AGM

March 18th 7.30 pm

Amberley Church Hall


mest of England --


mest of England --

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